Monday, 3 August 2015

Miss Mickey does LA - Pinup Girl Clothing Boutique

It's been quiet here for the last few weeks, but with good reason! I've been off in the US visiting friends in Boston and going to a super fun wedding, then visiting princesses and regressing back to my childhood at Disneyland for a few days and then, finishing my trip with a whirlwind LA shopping adventure!

I want to talk all about my trip, but I'm going to work out of order because I'm still waiting for my professional Disneyland photos to arrive from the park. I'll start with my visit to the Pinup Girl Mothership, the Pinup Girl Boutique in Burbank

We had a big morning getting over to Burbank, with us having to check out of our Anaheim hotel, catch a shuttle bus back to LAX and then Uber to our new hotel in Santa Monica. Once we'd checked in and dropped off our luggage, we jumped in another Uber and headed over to Burbank. Even with all our faffing (and running an hour behind my self-appointed schedule) we still arrived in Magnolia Drive half an hour before the Boutique opened. So we grabbed a coffee and a croissant at the bakery next door and then loitered out the front until they opened (me all the way barely stopping myself from jumping up and down). 

I was trying so hard to just 'be cool' that I made us sit out the front for a few minutes after the store opened, but I was so excited when I got inside that cool was immediately forgotten. The gorgeous Ashley, who you might know from her blog Southern (California) Belle was in store and helped me with my massive try on list. 
Unicorn acquired!
The entire almost two weeks I'd been in the US I'd been guarded with my shopping, so I let loose in PUG. Well, my letting loose was restrained; I picked out two dresses and a skirt and put a third dress on hold.

Magnolia Boulevard is basically a whole street of vintage and boutiques and PUG was my first stop. So we put everything behind the counter and made our way up the street, with Unique Vintage the final destination we had in mind. 

It was sad that Besame Cosmetics was closed on a Sunday (the only day we had free for shopping), so I missed out on Peggy Carter's lipstick (not to worry, I can get that here), but I did get into visit Audrey K Boutique. I've been following Audrey on Instagram for a long time so I was just as excited to visit in person as I was to go to PUG. The boutique is lovely; it smelled of cherries when we walked in the door and I wanted to buy pretty much everything. But then I spotted this Pan Am bag and I was 100% sold. My friend wanted to know why you would want a Pan Am bag and both Audrey and I said at the same time "Um, because it's Pan Am and it's amazing." 

The bag is actually amazing. It's something that's still officially licensed by Pan Am. I love the bag so much and I really want to get some bigger travel bags from the range! 

After meeting Audrey, we continued down the Boulevard, stepping in and wandering around whenever something caught my eye. I could have spent hours in Playclothes, where the prices were amazing. 

I wanted to take this gorgeous bag with a cane beetle home with me, but was afraid I'd get pulled up in customs and lose it, so I took some photos and tore myself away. I did however, buy this lovely red hat which I wore to an event a few days later (and know I'll get a lot more wear out of it too). 

And after a long march in the blazing sun, we finally reached Unique Vintage, only to find it was closed for renovations. I could have cried! 

But instead, we called an Uber, went straight back to PUG where I still managed to just walk away with two new dresses and a skirt. Though, I think the day I get a job I'll be heading online to order both the green Ava dress and the peach Dee Dee I left behind. 

Amanda did come home with me!
I loved shopping in the Pinup Girl Boutique, it was an amazing experience. I don't love LA and couldn't really see myself living there, but it'd be nice to be close enough to shop there regularly and go to some of their events (though it would be seriously dangerous for my wallet). 

Dee Dee didn't make the cut, but I have a feeling she'll be in my wardrobe soon!

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