Friday, 4 September 2015

Get to know me - my spaces

For a blog about me, there’s not really that much about me here.

I talk about clothes a lot, and that’s a big part of me, yes, but so are lots of other things. So I thought I’d show you some pictures of my space and tell you about some of my special things. I’m practising my photography skills with my new, ‘you beut’ DSLR camera, so this is a nice way for me to get some shots that aren't terrible pictures of myself!

I am going to start with a space that's devoted entirely to clothes, my walk-in wardrobe. This is quite possibly my favourite room. Not just because it is home to all my pretties, but because it's also a clever use of space.

When I moved back into my parents' house after leaving my job in Sydney a few years ago, they wanted me to have a space of my own so set up their entire downstairs as an apartment for me. I have my room, which is essentially a studio apartment with places for my bed, living and office; plus a kitchen, bathroom/laundry and the walk-in robe.

They've split the robe in half so that behind my dresses, there's a curtain hiding a storage space. At the moment, the storage space is home to my books and an assortment of things that I used in my old place but don't need here. But we're working on cleaning out and making use of the space so that behind, I'll have another hanging rack and a place for all my costumes. At the moment they're back there in a crate, which is a pain in the butt to get to when I'm looking for something specific!

This is the view looking into my wardrobe from my room.

This is a close up of what's on the dresser you can see in the first picture. The display changes based on what brooches, necklaces, hair flowers I've been wearing or what events I have coming up (Sebastian is out because he was a cosplay accessory back in April and I haven't found a place for him. Maybe he'll stay there).  

The shoes are self explanatory! This is not all of them; I've been trying to keep things nice and neat so I've stuck all my flats in a bag (they're always so messy) and all the really good shoes live in boxes.

I have a thing for vintage postcards and whenever I find a box in an antique store, I get a bit lost pouring over them. I look for the stories; for some tiny clue as to the writer and the receiver's relationship and some insight into a lives from a time gone by. I've had to stop myself from buying any more, but I've got quite a few stuck under the edge of the mirror in my walk-in.

Behind the door are my cosplay props that are too big and fragile to store in crates, an assortment of bags (which you can't see), belts and scarves and a wall of pictures of me with celebrities from Supanova.

My wardrobe is still very much a work in progress as I work out where to store things, where things look best and I try to learn how to put things away when I'm finished with them!

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