Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Wonder Woman & Warbirds


Things have been stuck in a bit of a rut here at LRW HQ. There was a pageant (I'll get to that in an upcoming post), then marking. Lots and lots of marking (I've been tutoring at a local uni this semester). But, I'm here now. Yay!

I've been dying to share these photos from the Caboolture Air Museum Wings and Wheels open day back in September. My friend, Ivy Dynamite, was competing in the pinup pageant and because her inspiration-wear theme was Wonder Woman, I decided to dress in my Wonder Woman outfit and be her cheer squad for the day. 

I love warbirds and will one day do a professional shoot with them, but for now, I think my dad did a pretty good job, don't you?! 

Outfit details
Wonder Woman Skirt & Button Brooch: Seams Nostalgic
Shirt: Pinup Girl Clothing Doris top in red 
Shoes: Similar

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