Friday, 11 September 2015

Foxy foxes


A couple of months ago, I was a lucky ducky and won a custom swing skirt from the queen of custom skirts, Betty Le Bon Bon. I've been obsessed with all things foxy for a long while, so I chose a gorgeous woodland animal print that really featured the foxes, but had lots of other colours and animals in the print.

In anticipation of the skirt's arrival, I ordered a fox brooch from Deer Arrow

With Betty Le Bon Bon skirts, you always need to wait for a little while for them to arrive (around six weeks), and what's great about that is that you order them, get excited, then forget to watch the post for a while. Every time I've ordered a skirt, its arrival has been a nice, almost unexpected surprise. 

I couldn't wait to wear this one, and this (Queensland) wintery outfit came together really easily. I matched it with a basic orange t-shirt from Uniqlo, navy tights and a navy cardigan. I felt super cute all day!

Outfit details
Brooch: Deer Arrow
Cardigan: Banned from That Shop
T-shirt: Uniqlo
Shoes: William's (past season)
Scarf was my Nanna's :) 

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