Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Miss Mickey does Boston

It's been (sob) a couple of months now since my amazing trip to the US, but I did want to share a few photos from the first leg of the holiday and talk a bit about how I packed for the trip.  I love America. Ever since I was small I've been obsessed with all things American - I think it started with The Baby-Sitters' Club and it has grown and grown since then.

Boston is like my second home. I've lived there before, and in all four trips I've made to the US, Boston is the only city I've been to every time. The people have a lot to do with why I love it and the people are what took me back this time. My Boston 'little' sister was getting married, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world, so I organised to have a week there, then stop by LA on the way home. 

Because I know the city fairly well, I didn't need to hit the tourist traps (though I did end up with a big bunch of tourists at Quincy Markets one day), so I spent most of the time visiting my favourite places, and visiting places that have always been closed when I was there (owing to the fact I always seem to visit in the Fall and Winter), hanging out with friends and eating. Lots and lots of eating!

One of the touristy things I did get to do was have a little tour of Lincoln and Concord. Lincoln is where one of my friends had grown up and home to a beautiful, twisted tree (which is really two trees twisted together). Both towns are sites of the first conflict in the revolutionary war and my friend's parents regularly have re-enactors walking through the field behind their home, which I found fascinating!!

In Concord, I got to see Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Ralph Waldo Emersons' homes, and a lot of other gorgeous old places. It's the type of place I'd love to live - in a town where preserving history in the architecture is super important. It's so important to them that they even curate the types of stores that are allowed to be in the town!

We also got to go past Walden Pond and the recreation of Thoreau's cabin.

It was an amazing trip and I can't believe all those months of planning are already over (and that it's nearly summer here)! 

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